Monday, February 14, 2011

Time is money.

Hi friends, we are here again,

Time is money. Don’t count your hours as zero cost simply because they do not cost you “out of pocket.” Assign your time a dollar value – it will put your affiliate business on a solid, professional “business footing.”

Let’s examine expenses by asking two questions...

Question #1 -- What does it cost to build traffic to your merchants’ sites?

Traffic-building, no matter how you cut it, will cost you... in terms of both time and money. Spending dollars is optional, but spending time is not.

There are many ways, both offline and on, to drive targeted traffic to your merchants’ sites. This course will show you the most highly profitable, time-and dollar- effective way to build traffic to your merchants' sites...

Build your own Theme-Based Content Site -- one that is loaded with high info-value Keyword-Focused Content Pages that rank well with the Search Engines and that get the “click throughs” to your merchants’ sites.

Let’s break that down for closer examination. For your affiliate Web site to generate targeted traffic to your merchants, it must do two things well...

1) Rank well at the Search Engines so that it pulls in lots of targeted traffic. So far, though, that traffic is still on your site. Therefore, it’s not generating income yet. Your visitors are just “looking around.” So...

2) Get those visitors to click through to your merchants. (Some affiliate program models can actually place merchant offerings on your Web site. In this case, your traffic does not actually visit your merchant’s site. But you still have to “get the click” to generate income.)

It makes sense, of course, that a Web site is the way to go. After all, this is the Net!

And there are loads of other ways for affiliates to drive targeted traffic to their merchants, both offline and on.

SiteSell’s 5 Pillar Program provides all the tools, information and strategies you need to PREsell effectively and generate substantial commission income.

You can easily apply these marketing theories/strategies to your other
affiliate programs as well.

OK, that wraps up expenses and traffic-building. Now for our second question about expenses...

Question #2 -- What does it cost to maximize Conversion Rates?

Good news! Maximizing your Conversion Rate (CR) is simply a question of doing things right. There is no extra dollar or time cost to boosting CRs at your merchants’ sites. This course will show you how to achieve this goal, too.

Remember… when this course talks about Conversion Rates, we are
Talking about the Conversion Rate at the sites of the merchants that you
represent as an affiliate. So we are talking about how you will maximize
the percentage of referral visitors who deliver the response for which the
vendor pays, whether that’s a sale, or lead, etc.

If you think that it’s impossible for you to change the sales-effectiveness
of your merchants’ sites, you are in for a big surprise.

Your primary goals are...

1) Maximize targeted traffic to your merchants, spending only dollars and time that maximize profits.

2) Maximize Conversion Rates. Do things right (no expense).

Don’t do just one. Do both. Why? Because, as you saw above, your payment is determined by traffic multiplied by the CR... not “added.” Your profits grow geometrically when you concentrate on maximizing both traffic and Conversion Rates.

I have spent quite a bit of time reviewing the difference between 5 Pillar Affiliates who refer high traffic to us and who deliver high Conversion Rates (% of visitors who purchase), and those who deliver low ones.

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